CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava Lake

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Moderator: gor965

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Membru din: Joi Oct 21, 2010 1:52

Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

Mesaj de DumiD »

Raul, no comment referitor la banii si timpul irosit. Dar hai sa o lasam asa, sa nu ne mai felicitam aiurea, si sa nu o mai ardem in spanac, ca ce greu e la un cm. Serios? Io zic ca baiatul ala care a prins salau la undita facea o figura mai frumoasa! How about that?!

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Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

Mesaj de gabi1 »

Mihai Bobeica scrie:Mai bine se ducea lotul Federatiei, rezultat mai slab oricum nu avea cum sa scoata.
Pacat de rezultatele pe care Romania le-a avut in ultimu timp, acest rezultat va ramane o pata neagra in clasamentul general pt romania.
Undeva, cineva a gresit. Bilele lui Dudi fac legea, rezultatul se vede pe podium!
Chiar daca balta are putin peste, putinul ala trebuia prins si de romania!
@Mihai Bobeică: sunt impresionat de frumuseţea comentariului tău, se vede că ai un fin simţ de observaţie şi că eşti obişnuit cu ieşitul din carosabil, direct în decor . Nu mă însel, nu-i asa?
Apropo, ai văzut vreodată ce conţine cutia craniană a unui peşte?!? Sau preferi să bolboroseşti ceva legat de profa cu logica şi proful de mate'?! :D
"Azi oamenii cunosc preţul fiecărui obiect si valoarea nici unuia."
"Nu refuza ajutorul imbecililor; pentru a rămâne sus iți trebuie unanimitate". :-)

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Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

Mesaj de gor965 »

Membru lot Ukraina ...campioana mondiala, zice pe Facebook :

The 2018 World Championship has become a history already. I express my heartiest congratulations to Croatia and England who came second and third. It was a really great work, there are very strong sportsmen in the team and highly experienced coaching staff – you really deserve this golden medal, simply this time the fortune was more favorable to us. I would also like to express my congratulations to the USA us team who came fourth, who was one of few who caught a fish in two zones - You guys are great!!!! And, of course, the teams who caught a carp at least in one zone in this water reservoir also deserve the appreciation. These are the teams of Belgium, Slovenia, Serbia, South Africa, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Switzerland, Bulgaria and Belarus. And, of course, huge THANK’S to the team of Portugal for the fish in A zone who brought us to the leading position!!! A stormy ovations to the couple from Lithuania – to catch 13 fish under such conditions is a mere heroism!!! All of our sportsmen are very grateful to the team from Moldova for support! And a couple of words about the organization of the championship. Usually used to say “Thank you” to the organizers. I would like to do this as well:
1. Thank you for fooled all of us in spring telling that the water reservoir is 320 meters wide;
2.Thank you for turning the championship into the “circus”, pulling a cable in the middle, this is the same as install the traffic lights on the Formula One course, at the world championship in javelin throwing install the 40 meters net and at the football championship prohibit the players to leave the penalty shot line, or conduct the Wimbeldon Final on the half of tennis court playing with the baseball bats.
3. Thank you for the swimmers who swam in the fishing zone risking receiving a hit in the head with 125 gr plumb;
4.Thank you for canoe swimming on both sides of the cable. And people in canoes also without body armor and helmets;
5. Thank you for a toilet 400 meters away to run;
6. Thank you for a cup. It’s great it is larger than the mobile phone. You could have economized even more, in principle...
7. Thank you that the awards hall was able to accommodate all of us, and even, we didn't have to stand, you could warn about the lighting, the sportsmen could have taken at least the flashlights with them;
8. Thank you for one tone of fish you let out. Isn’t it too much, how do you think?
9. And most importantly - a big THANK YOU very much that three days before the championship you have lowered the water level by one meter of the coastline. Here you just exceeded all our expectations. This we could not even imagine in a terrible dream ...

And thanks to FIPSed for choosing a “very good water reservoir” and, what is main, “qualitatively” controlled readiness of the water reservoir to accept the World Championship!)
Thank you to all sportsmen from all countries for a good competition until the last minute under such tough conditions. See you in Africa!

P.S. Dear FIPSed, if it happened that you forgot how to organize the competitions, come to Ukraine, to Krychevychi water reservoir and you will see...)
Varga sa fi fost din fier...ce brand aveam !!!
George Iorga

Alexandru Popescu
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Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

Mesaj de Alexandru Popescu »

A dat cu ei de asfalt asa cum merita. Felicitari tipului care a scris asa ceva. Mai clar de atat, din punctul meu de vedere nu se putea. Daca as avea o putere as interzice Serbia sa mai organizeze CM pentru urmatorii 20 de ani si chiar participarea la alte campionate mondiale pentru urmatorii 5 ani. Sunt sigur ca nationala lor a fost implicata in participare mai mult sau mai putin. Sfaturi, pareri sau macar de ar fi stiut realitatea sa fi avut putin respect fata de pescarii care au venit de la mii de km, sa ii informeze despre realitatea si conditiile din acea "balta".

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Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

Mesaj de gor965 »

Alexandru Popescu scrie:...Sunt sigur ca nationala lor a fost implicata in participare mai mult sau mai putin...
I-a raspuns un sarb din lotul national :

We Serbian competitors feel the same way as you guys. We are fooled the same way as any other nation. Two days before competition starts we put a 0.23mm line on our reels, didn't know anything about putting a cable on the lake, which is crazy. For the national championship they made as fools by telling us that they are going to put some fish in. First round of competiton was over with just one fish cought( by my partner and me) which is complitly crazy. Unreal conditions for fishing and very stupid situations but organizers didn't care about that. Many more stupid situations with them we had. Fishing turns in the gambling who is going to be lucky enough to catch a single fish in every sector. Big congratulations to Ukraine, Croatia and England, also for couple from Lithuania. This was mental game and you guys did it best! We all hope for some good fishing in Ukraine. Best regards
Varga sa fi fost din fier...ce brand aveam !!!
George Iorga

Alexandru Popescu
Mesaje: 578
Membru din: Joi Oct 02, 2014 9:32
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Localitate: Bucuresti

Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

Mesaj de Alexandru Popescu »

Mda.... interesant si raspunsul celor din Serbia.Este usor sa joci rolul prostului si mai usor sa te "speli pe maini de pacat", in genul acesta de raspuns. Dar imi e greu sa cred ca tu ai stiut de situatia aceasta si nu ai dat share la informatii inainte de competitie pentru "colegii tau si din alte tari". Ca tu ca si reprezentant al tarii organizatoare, sa stai pe burta si sa accepti ca toti cei ce vin de la mii de kilometrii, ce au cheltuit zeci de mii de euro, sa fie in aceasta postura, fara sa faci nimic? Eu unul, daca eram in situatia aceasta, dadeam 100 de emailuri si telefoane celor de la fips cips pana cand gaseau o solutie.
NU POTI pune 27 de echipe sa prinda cei 50-60 de pesti pe care ii ai tu intr-un lac ( zic eu mare, dar nu suficient de mare pentru a gazdui un numar asa de mare).

Odata ce "tu", (pescar al lotului national al tarii gazde) stii, consider ca ai fost partas la a ascunde cacatul ca pisica...

Tu iti imaginezi ce insemna un esec de genul acesta pe o balta la noi in tara si pe o miza asa mare ca si CAMPIONAT NATIONAL? Baietii nostrii erau in stare sa ii arunce in balta pe organizatori si sa ii pescuiasca pe ei in timpul competitiei! :D
Pescar de competitie
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Membru din: Lun Oct 11, 2010 12:35

Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

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Clasament subiectiv, dar trist! Romania coboara in ierarhia mondiala.

Dupa o lunga perioada de timp in care ne-am mentinut in topul mondial in ceea ce priveste medaliile obtinute la mondialele de crap, se pare ca anul acesta am parasit podiumul si am picat pe pozitia a patra... ... iala-53200

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Membru din: Vin Mai 25, 2007 17:04
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Re: CM 2018-SERBIA-Belgrad 3-6 Octombrie/Ada Ciganlija Sava

Mesaj de gor965 » scrie:Clasament subiectiv, dar trist! Romania coboara in ierarhia mondiala.
Se iau in calcul cele mai bune 5 rezultate din ultimii 6 ani (cel mai slab rezultat iese din calculul general) asa ca momentan ne-a afectat mai mult iesirea din segmentul de 6 ani a locului 1 din 2012, decat actualul loc 24.
Varga sa fi fost din fier...ce brand aveam !!!
George Iorga

senzor planet
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